火狐体育下载的合作伙伴 | 大益集团火狐体育官方网站官网-火狐体育官方网站

400-618-7572 dypr@taetea.com.cn

taetea x guangdong winnerway basketball club


易建联实现退役后的“华丽转身”,从运动员摇身一变成为一名茶人。他也将其篮球热情带到大益,为品牌注入创新活力, 与大益 在推广茶文化与践行公益的道路上携手,“益”路前行!

大益 x 迪拜世博会

迪拜世博会 委员会火狐体育下载的合作伙伴

in 2020, taetea cooperated with the ad hoc tea culture (tea industry) committee of china cultural center for expo 2020 dubai to communicate and exchange chinese tea culture with the world.

大益 x 2020年联合国生物多样性大会



in 2020, taetea became a partner of cop15 of the un convention on biological diversity. our products elitea and classic ripe and raw puer tea bags were used as the officially designated teas for the conference.
